Concentration and attention – ADD and ADHD
Distractibility and problems with concentration and attention can be caused by an unbalanced auditory perception.
If a person does not have a good balance in the perception of high and low frequencies, attention can be difficult because he hears noises louder than speech under some circumstances.
Children perceive e.g. the traffic in front of the school, steps in the staircase, or the teacher in the next room louder or only little lower than the teacher in the own room.
Furthermore, this child perceives speech sounds less loud than the noises produced by the feet of the other children on the floor, by the moving of chairs or by other disturbances.
But exactly the voices of the teacher and the classmates are that whereupon the concentration of the child should be focussed.
Adults have e.g. difficulties in following a conversation in loud environments like a café or to concentrate on a telephone call in an open-plan office. Persons with an imbalance in the central auditory processing have to bring up much more concentration in order to understand important voice contents and to filter out disturbing noises. This permanent effort can simply turn into an excessive demand.
From the overexertion the affected persons slip then into a lack of concentration and are easily distracted. Attention ceases as it is simply too exhausting for the affected persons to maintain concentration longer.
Some compensate their overexertion also with activity or even with aggressive behaviour but also physical effects like headache are possible.
The equalisation of hearing can eliminate a weighty cause for the overexertion in these people.
For the children it gets easier to follow the voice of the teacher. They need less energy to follow the lessons.
Also the affected adults can concentrate more easily on important acoustic contents and filter disturbing sounds.
This results in relaxation – and this leads to a longer period of attention.
BENAUDIRA gives the affected persons an auditory training that can provide the basis for relaxed hearing.