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In this list of therapists you can find all B E N A U D I R A – trainers. If there is no therapist near you, please contact us. We will try to figure out a way, how you can make the training.

In future, we will also organize courses for new BENAUDIRA trainers in your country.

If you are a therapist yourself and are interested in becoming a BENAUDIRA trainer, please contact us.

Behind each entry the qualifications of the individual therapists are marked:


Basic Auditory training for all named applications except tinnitus and hardness of hearing

Auditory training for people with tinnitus und/or hardness of hearing

Barbara Huber Boccali

Jubiläumsweg 15, Oberentfelden, Schweiz

Phone: 0041 627241865

Judith Zwahlen

Zumhofweg 11, Kriens, Schweiz

Phone: 0041 787140082

Karin Ruf-Furrer

Bachweid 3, 6340 Baar, Schweiz

Phone: +41 79 765 33 17

Stefanie Wendler

Ifangstrasse 12, 8302 Kloten, Schweiz

Phone: +41 782176849

Julia Elmer

Gotthardstrasse 23, 8800 Thalwil, Schweiz

Phone: 0041 774030708

CH 5036

Name: Barbara Huber Boccali
Pädagogische Praxis Für Legasthenie, Dyskalkulie und Lernschwierigkeiten
Address: Jubiläumsweg 15
5036 Oberentfelden, Aargau
Phone: 0041 627241865
Kinder & JugendlicheTinnitus / Schwerhörigkeit

CH 6010

CH 6340

CH 8302

CH 8800